Having trouble putting your life puzzle together

We have helped individuals and businesses figure out what is missing, where to look for that missing piece to life's puzzle.  Seeing the potential and the roadblocks to help you overcome and turn the struggle into a breath of fresh air.  
It's not magic, no supplements to buy, just self paced courses, easy cloud based tools, and group trainings, that can help you unlock your next big chapter of your life.

Let Us Make It Work for You!

You have all the talent you need to succeed.  But you may be missing some keys, have some issues, concerns fears holding you back.
I've been there.  As a below average student in school 50 years ago in the mid-west, my future was looking hopeless. 
Then I found some talents, and things opened up.  It helped me forge a real life in software development, working with big name companies. 
But something wasn't complete.  Changing technology became harder and harder.  With teaching IT development to students at leading colleges was helpful but again not the full answer.  
Then I realized that it wasn't technology that I was great at, it was solving problems, finding the answer others couldn't or wouldn't see.
Now I am bringing these life automation and adaptation solutions to the public using my knowledge and skills in IT to build training tools, published materials and courses to help other complete their life puzzle.

I'm building solutions to address these area:


Having issue managing your money, getting out of debt


Have problems finishing a project on time or at all 


Can't seem to put your ideas together


Can't figure out how to get healthy and stop overeating

Our Featured Services

Life Automation

What's this?  It's how to get access to and use the latest technology to empower you, to find the answers and the questions you may not have known to ask.

Self-Pace Learning

We have an increasing number of courses to help you in various areas of life.  They are designed to work on any browser and mobile browser so that you can learn where ever you may be.

Group Training 

We provide sessions, webinars to help you and others with the same questions virtually come together to discuss issues, ask questions and get insights into how you and your fellow members can overcome the issues that have been holding you back.


Get Information and Access to Our Programs

Feel free to write us a message if you have any other questions.